About Our History
Crowberry Consulting is a values based business, established in 2006. Inspired by the heather like plant, known as a Crowberry, we pride ourselves on offering inspiration, intelligence and integrity to our customers. We follow the IEMA code of conduct and work in a 100% client confidential manner. Our systems are Cyber Essentials, and ISO 9001 certified. Therefore, giving you, our customer, confidence that we won’t abuse your documents or trust in us.
Our founder, Becky Toal, holds three specialist environmental degrees. Including, BSc Ecology, MSc Environmental Impact Assessment, and MBA Environmental Management. Our team, likewise, are trained competent professionals with strong academic backgrounds and industry expertise.
Why A Crowberry Plant?
The Crowberry plant is a very stress-tolerant competitor, which thrives high up in the mountains. The berries are small, and packed full of nutrients. In reflection of this, we are a niche business, providing bespoke sustainability services in the form of Training, Audits and Consultancy. We have over 20 years industry experience in a business to business context, not just in the UK, but also across the EU and Asia. Our roots go deep. We believe in the circular economy model of sustainable development. The UN sustainable development goals and ISO systems, as a way to achieve continual improvements. Not just for our customers but for our own business.
Crowberry Consulting – Online Introduction
ENVIRONMENT – Firstly, we can provide ISO14001 Training, Consultancy and Auditing. Along with specialist legal registers to support your environmental journey.
ETHICS – Secondly, we can provide an Ethical Audit Gap analysis. The Ethical Toolkit self assess your business in regards to Ethical policies, or the actual audit itself.
ENERGY – Thirdly, we can provide ISO50001 Training, Consultancy and Auditing to this standard. Again, with specialist legal registers to support your energy management journey.
EVENTS – Further, we can also provide ISO20121 Training, Consultancy and Auditing to this standard. As well as, specialist legal registers to support your sustainable events journey.
Meet the Team

Becky Toal
Managing DirectorBecky established Crowberry Consulting Ltd in 2006 and has over 20 years’ experience as an Environmental & Sustainability Manager having worked for the Co-operative Group and English Nature previously.
Trained as an Environmental Auditor, Becky is a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv), a full member of the Institute of Environmental Management (IEMA) and holds degrees in Environmental Management (MBA), Environmental Impact Assessment (MSc) and Ecology (BSc).
Becky is a Lead Auditor to ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ISO 20121 and is a registered Ethical Auditor with SEDEX and RJC.

Mary Toal
Head of Quality & Customer ServiceMary joined the Crowberry Consulting Ltd team in 2017 in the role of Head of Quality Service & Customer Service, and has recently completed her Level 3 apprenticeship in Team Leading & Supervising with HND in Business. Mary is a qualified Lead Auditor for both ISO 9001 and 20121.
Mary provides back of house office support including diary management, resource management and finance administration as well Mary attends networking events across Lancashire to promote the business.

Katie Stevenson
Sustainability ExecutiveKatie Stevenson joins us via the University of Liverpool as a Sustainability Executive. Katie is currently studying for a degree in Human Geography, and is supporting our clients with Legal Complaince, Carbon Footprint and ISO standards.

Could this be you?
Watch this space for new positions to come and work with our fantastic team.Could you be the next person to join our team?