Net Carbon Zero
Crowberry Consulting can support your journey to net carbon zero. Which is fast becoming a legal requirement in many countries, to support the international targets within the Paris Agreement. We have 20 years experience of calculating baseline carbon footprints, using the defined calculations and definitions within the Green House Gas Protocol and standards including PAS2060 and International Standards for Green House Gas verification (ISO14064-1) . We offer a seven step process as highlighted below to support your journey to net carbon zero.

Gap Analysis
The starting point on your journey to net carbon zero is to analyse your current position. Baseline data for all three emissions scopes as defined in the Green House Gas Protocol. We will review your current data for sites in scope, this is usually your utility bills, transport and waste data, and any supply chain emission data. We will require at least 12 months worth of data to conduct this gap analysis. At this stage we review your current policies and procedures. Which may need to be edited to reflect your net carbon zero ambitions.

The Action Plan
Following your gap analysis, we will create an action plan for your organisation. Which highlights the next steps to take. Including creating the carbon footprint, report, strategy, and deciding on any carbon offsetting. Further working towards a declaration of carbon neutrality, and ultimately working with a certification body to verify the steps within PAS2060.

Carbon Footprint
Using your data provided, we apply the DEFRA/BEIS or IPCC conversion factors to create a carbon footprint. Depending on the amount of data you provide to us, we can calculate Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions. Without accurate data we can use proxy figures. However, accurate data is preferred. As this then impacts on the tonnage figure you may need to offset.

Carbon Report
At this step in your journey we can create a carbon report based on your data provided. Therefore, creating a report/review of policies and processes. We can make recommendations to support your organisation to reduce your carbon footprint. Additionally, we can also obtain quotes from third party certification bodies to allow you to budget for an independent verification of your data. Including to ISO standards, and PAS 2060. Or similar, such as PAS 2050, and PAS 2080 for construction sector.

Carbon Strategy
Following the carbon report, we can work to further embed the net carbon zero targets into your business strategy. Alternatively, create a defined carbon strategy. Many companies now have to report under the ESOS and SECR Regulations in the UK. Therefore, it makes sense to embed carbon action, and climate change mitigation/adaptation into your strategic approach. This strategy can also include the offset strategy you will take. Ultimately. how you will declare carbon neutrality status and beyond. It can also refer to your supply chain impact. How you will manage the ongoing scope 3 emissions, and how you will report on scope 4 avoided emissions.

Carbon Offsetting
Many organisations will still have green house gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, despite application of reduction objectives and targets. The question then is, what do you do about these emissions? An option to consider is, to offset by investing in projects such as tree planting, habitat restoration, or investing in solar and other renewable projects around the world. There are different standards that are applied to carbon offsetting. We can explain to you what these are and how they work so you can choose what is right for you.

Carbon Neutrality
We can support you with your declaration of commitment to carbon neutrality (under PAS2060), carbon footprint management plan. Helping you to contact third party certification companies to achieve the verification of your plan and data and to obtain a declaration of achievement.
Please note independent third party audit bodies known as certification bodies provide the declaration of achievement, this is at extra cost outside of consultancy.